Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I know when Haim asked us to accompany him to Valencia he pictured his family strolling the old quarter with him, stopping for tapas after a long day's work, bundling together and snuggling to keep warm from the chill....The reality is more constant middle-of-the-street tantrums from Maya, a scary (we went to the Dr, he's fine), rattling cough from Noah, and drizzly weather that really just makes you want to stay inside.
Needless to say, this has been a difficult adjustment emotionally for Maya, and Noah is battling a cold/ bronchitis and jetlag....thank goodness I had him going to bed at 7 in Miami, so he only stays up till about 1am here...yesterday was better, though.
With Haim's first day at the office, the kids and I started finding our rhythm, Maya had only 2 minor tantrums, and Noah was asleep by 11:45. Maybe it won't even drizzle so much today!

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