Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chicken Patrol

This morning I was doing dishes around 6 am and I noticed one of the bunnies running really crazy figure 8's in the yard...I watched for a bit, and then stepped outside to see if there was any particular reason for the behavior, but I didn't notice anything. Several minutes later, as I was finishing my task, I noticed several of the chickens had flown over the fence of the chicken yard, and into the main area...about 5 of them were in a U shape with a large grey cat at the center...but these birds were not afraid in the least....instead, they were escorting a slinking cat off of the property. I was in shock...and of course proud of my girls....that's probably what was driving the bunny was only about 15 minutes later that I realized I had missed a great photo-op.

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