We arrived in Midelt at dusk, and were almost immediately (though in a very genteel and unobtrusive fashion) pounced upon by a local vendor. He helped us find a hotel, steered us to a great snack shop with perfect golden french fries and thick, slightly spicy harira, and finally steered us to his shop where we eagerly admired his Berber rugs and jewelry...we acquired a couple of rugs, and Maya chose a new necklace for herself!
We spent the night in deep and well deserved rest, and had another relatively early start today. We enjoyed some wonderful meandering today, and saw some amazing, remote villages with beautiful children, though the last hour in the car (as usual) was 1 hour too much, and we all arrived to Beni Malal a bit more stressed and tired than the ideal. After some dinner and showers, we're enjoying an early night. Tomorrow, I may take a break and hang in the hotel with Maya while Haim and his parents visit Alice's hometown of Oued Zen, about 100 km from where we are.
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