Last week we joyously welcomed a new member to the family. Omer Mayan was born last Wednesday morning to happy (and a fairly overwhelmed) parents Heftzi and Erad. Born barely weighing 5 pounds, he was a tiny little bird…you always forget how delicate a new born is until you see them! The hospital was a predictable cluster f*&k in the way that hospitals tend to be…his billyrubin levels were slightly elevated, so rather than treat him with light therapy or the ever so easy sunlight they simply “monitored” it for 3 days…taking blood and urine 2-3 times daily and watching the levels slowly rise…when his levels were then at a point of concern, they decided to treat him…They sent his mom home from the hospital, and kept him for 24 hours of treatment…once treatment began he was fine….wouldn’t a bit of sunlight been a little easier?
Finally home with his parents, it was time for the real fun to begin….the Brit Milah. That joyous time in every Jewish baby boy’s life when ritual circumcision and family chaos are the name of the game….who will be the god father….why him, why not me….where to have it, when, what to wear, who holds the baby, ect, ect….After several days of strife leading up to the event, the event managed to take place calmly and nicely…with a really good mohel, who kept little Omer relaxed and calm. None the less, please god…only girls for me!
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