Also, Monday I turned 30...though the main event of the day was Yom Kippur, we had a birthday break-fast celebration at the end of the evening. Just a couple of friends over, with lots of noisy kids running around....and Haim did a very "interesting" Hawiian Luau version of happy birthday on Maya's lap-harp.
Otherwise, slowly creeping towards the end of pregnancy....only a couple of weeks to go now! And our garden is growing nicely...though I do think Haim has gotten a bit overzealous with the corn.
Lastly, I finished the curtains and pillowcases for Maya's playroom. I'm really happy with how it looks, though once haim hangs the curtains I'll really have an idea of how it looks...and I've started on a new and very simple project....napkins. Ours are getting a bit ratty, as we only use cloth and have had them for 5 years...too many wine stains I found a great homespun fabric that should hide lots of abuse....and then I found a lovely tutorial online at the purl bee and I seem to be golden...though I've not completed one yet. But I have discovered some new tools (rotary cutter, self healing pad, line ruler, bias tape maker) in the process, that I think may revolutionize my minimal sewing skills.
All in all, it's been a lovely September!